Month: August 2015
Alternative Tests For JobKeeper Subsidy

Alternative Tests For JobKeeper Subsidy

The nature in which the Coronavirus has impacted Australian business has made the JobKeeper payment, a key component of the Federal Government’s business support package, highly desirable to Australian business owners. The payment provides a $1,500.00 per fortnight,...

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Measures to help your business navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

Measures to help your business navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

Various State governments are beginning to formulate plans to wind back the COVID-19 measures which have so greatly affected businesses across Australia. All things going to plan, in the coming months we hope to see an increase in at least some business’ability to...

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ClarkeKann Lawyers Sydney sharpens commercial focus

ClarkeKann Lawyers Sydney sharpens commercial focus

ClarkeKann’s commitment to delivering solution-based outcomes for our clients remains at the centre of our offering. Providing qualified, trustworthy, bespoke legal advice with a particular focus across our core areas of expertise; Agribusiness, Intellectual Property...

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Is Your Restraint Clause Valid? CK Win Highlights Issues

Is Your Restraint Clause Valid? CK Win Highlights Issues

By Chris Kintis and Anastasia Stomo Restraint of trade clauses are often found in employment contracts and Australian businesses are increasingly choosing to use restraint clauses in contracts between commercial entities. When used in this form, however, they serve to...

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