Month: August 2015
The future of BOOT and Loaded Rates in Enterprise Agreements

The future of BOOT and Loaded Rates in Enterprise Agreements

By Murray Procter and Ashlee Miller Around one-third of all employees in the Australian labour market are covered by enterprise agreements.1 Enterprise bargaining is a central feature of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act), and is regulated by Part 2-4. The objects...

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The Evolving Climate of Labour Hire in Australia

The Evolving Climate of Labour Hire in Australia

By Murray Procter and Ashlee Miller In 2002, the Australian Government Productivity Commission estimated there were approximately 270,000 people employed through labour hire, which was the equivalent to about 2.9 per cent of all employed persons.1  Today, labour hire...

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CK Alert: Contract Indemnities – why the fuss?

CK Alert: Contract Indemnities – why the fuss?

Indemnities are regularly used in contracts in order to allocate risk between contracting parties. An indemnity is an agreement to cover loss and damage suffered by another party. Indemnities give rise to a form of contingent liability, the magnitude of which is often...

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