Hit the Ground Running: Employing Your First Employees

Hit the Ground Running: Employing Your First Employees

As published in CK Momentum Issue 9 (Click here to download) Businesses that are thinking about taking on new employees in the New Year should consider some of the key elements of a productive employment relationship. Whilst each situation is different, here are the...

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Challenges of the Global Marketplace

Challenges of the Global Marketplace

As published in CK Momentum Issue 9 (Click here to download) Ecommerce is well and truly here to stay and appears to be gaining momentum. We are continually hearing stories of entrepreneurs and solopreneurs taking on the established juggernauts of industry and winning...

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The New Strata Laws – Developers Beware!

The New Strata Laws – Developers Beware!

The two new Acts affecting strata title development and management have been passed by the New South Wales parliament. The operation of the new legislation is yet to be revealed, however, it is anticipated that it will be 1 July 2016. The changes to termination of...

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Payment Risks of International Transactions

Payment Risks of International Transactions

For exporters of goods and services, serious consideration must be put into balancing the potential benefits of providing favourable payment terms with the risk of payment default and the costs of international debt recovery. It is beyond the scope of this article to...

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Building & Construction Issues Facing Bodies Corporate

Building & Construction Issues Facing Bodies Corporate

LESSER RIGHTS FOR UNIT OWNERS? With an ever increasing number of people living or working in Strata Developments, it is somewhat daunting that the rights which lot owners have in relation to buildings in community title schemes do not appear to be as protected as...

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Drug & Alcohol Testing Under the Building Code 2013

Drug & Alcohol Testing Under the Building Code 2013

The Building Code 2013 (“Code”) has recently been amended to introduce a mandatory requirement for contractors and building industry participants involved in government funded construction projects to: implement a comprehensive policy on drug and alcohol testing...

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Is Your Construction Contract Valid and Enforceable?

Is Your Construction Contract Valid and Enforceable?

If you’re an unlicensed electrician or an unregistered engineer, then maybe not - at least according to a recent decision of Agripower Australia Ltd v Queensland Engineering and Electrical Pty Ltd & Ors (“AgriPower decision”). The Supreme Court determined that an...

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Managing Risks through Insurance: 10 Things to Consider

Managing Risks through Insurance: 10 Things to Consider

Managing risk is an important part of prudently operating a business. An effective risk management system will enable the business to identify, assess, monitor and manage risks. Some risks can be managed by having in place appropriate insurance, although this is by no...

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