WHS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Have You Been Paying Attention?

WHS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Have You Been Paying Attention?

As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) Business owners have some important obligations under the workplace health and safety laws. They include reporting certain incidents to the workplace health and safety regulator in the relevant state and...

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As published in CK Momentum Issue 1  (Click here to download) From 1 January 2015, workers who consider that they have been the victims of workplace bullying can make an application to the Fair Work Commission for order to “stop bullying”. Employment & Industrial...

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9 Tips for Board Minutes

 As published in CK Momentum Issue 7  (Click here to download) Minutes of directors' meetings are critical in protecting the directors and managers of a company from claims that they have not properly discharged their duties. There can be serious...

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BCIPA Update: Further Amendments & Time Considerations

BCIPA Update: Further Amendments & Time Considerations

The Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 (“BCIPA”) underwent significant amendments which were passed by Parliament on 11 September 2014. FURTHER AMENDMENTS Since we last reported on the amendments to the BCIPA, the Queensland Government has passed...

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Can I Use Facebook to Screen Potential Recruits?

Can I Use Facebook to Screen Potential Recruits?

   As published in CK Momentum Issue 6 (Click here to download) If social media is a necessary workplace “evil”, then what lies beneath is the often practised, but rarely mentioned, custom of “Facebook stalking”. This involves reviewing the social media postings of...

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Crowd Sourced Equity Funding Almost Ready to Go

Crowd Sourced Equity Funding Almost Ready to Go

 As published in CK Momentum Issue 7  (Click here to download) The Australian startup ecosystem is in need of new sources of capital to unleash the innovation within. The current equity raising regulatory framework is simply not suited to most startups with its heavy...

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Did You Knock Off MY DESIGN?

Did You Knock Off MY DESIGN?

For furniture designers and manufacturers, the replica industry has long been a thorn in their side; seen by some as a moral affront to which they have no real legal response. It’s time for designers to get on the front foot and protect their designs. REPLICA...

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Employee Share Scheme Reform Finally Here!

Employee Share Scheme Reform Finally Here!

  As published in CK Momentum Issue 7  (Click here to download) Legislation has finally passed both houses of Parliament to improve the taxation treatment of Employee Share Schemes (“ESS”) and in particular provide some concessions to startups looking to implement an...

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Family Violence and Employment – What You Need to Know

Family Violence and Employment – What You Need to Know

IN THIS ISSUE: Family Violence is an issue that has received considerable prominence in recent times and an awareness of the prevalence of the issue is emerging in workplaces. How does an employer respond when a staff member is a victim of family violence? How does an...

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Fintech Hub Stone & Chalk Experience Overwhelming Demand

Fintech Hub Stone & Chalk Experience Overwhelming Demand

  As published in CK Momentum Issue 7  (Click here to download) Stone & Chalk describes itself as “an independent, not for profit Fintech hub whose overarching objective is to help foster and accelerate the development of world leading Fintech startups”. Before it...

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Good Faith Under the New Standard Contract

Good Faith Under the New Standard Contract

The consultation period recently ended for draft AS11000 General Conditions of Contracts (“AS 11000”) from Standards Australia. AS11000 isa new standard contract that is intended to provide general guidance for legal contracts in all sectors of industry, including...

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How to Avoid Spam-A-Lot

How to Avoid Spam-A-Lot

As published in CK Momentum Issue 6  (Click here to download) While unwelcome emails advertising phoney products sent en masse are illegal, you may be surprised to learn that even a well intentioned marketing campaign can fall foul of the Spam Act (“Act”). A message...

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