Dispelling the Myths about Dismissals for Poor Performance

Dispelling the Myths about Dismissals for Poor Performance

As published in CK Momentum Issue 4  (Click here to download) Terminating employees for performance based issues can be difficult for employers to navigate at the best of times. An employer’s right to terminate because of poor performance has not been helped by a...

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FOFA REFORMS: What You Need to Know

FOFA REFORMS: What You Need to Know

As published in CK Momentum Issue 4  (Click here to download) In the wake of the GFC, the Future of Financial Advice (“FOFA”) reforms were implemented by the previous Labour government to increase the trust and confidence of retail investors in the financial advice...

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CK Momentum Issue 4

CK Momentum Issue 4

NOVEMBER 2014 This edition features an interview with Brett Draffen from Mirvac, which will be of interest to all readers involved in the construction industry or with an interest in the property market. If you invest in property, then you will also be interested in...

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GST Free? Treatment and Going Concerns & Farmland

GST Free? Treatment and Going Concerns & Farmland

As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) In December 2013, the Government announced its intention to replace the GST free treatment for the supply of both going concerns and farming businesses with a 'reverse charge' mechanism. The scheme was...

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Contract Negotiation Pitfalls

Contract Negotiation Pitfalls

Everyone wants a degree of flexibility in their commercial position during contract negotiations; to give a little here and hopefully gain something there. However, sometimes preserving a position can result in there being no binding contract between the parties. This...

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Reform of QBCC Act

Reform of QBCC Act

Allana Agnew, an Associate in our Litigation and Insolvency team, attended a Discussion Evening held by the Building Dispute Practitioners Society in August 2014. Presenting at the Discussion Evening was the new Chairman of the Board and Commissioner of the Queensland...

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“Freshly Baked”. Well, Sort Of

“Freshly Baked”. Well, Sort Of

A recent decision of the Federal Court of Australia has placed a sharp focus on the use of credence claims (that is, claims which involve a representation of a premium or special characteristic about a product) in marketing in the Food and Beverage industry. In a...

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) There are some who argue that the only way to survive the next wave of innovation will be to better understand and engage with our natural, social and financial resources... Richard Branson, in his...

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WHS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Have You Been Paying Attention?

WHS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Have You Been Paying Attention?

As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) Business owners have some important obligations under the workplace health and safety laws. They include reporting certain incidents to the workplace health and safety regulator in the relevant state and...

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Tips & Traps for Adjudication Under BCIPA

Tips & Traps for Adjudication Under BCIPA

As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) The Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 (“BCIPA”) regime is intended to be an efficient and reasonably low cost method for contractors and subcontractors to ensure payments are made to...

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As published in CK Momentum Issue 3  (Click here to download) Recent changes to the law amended the requirement for all commercial premises built before 31 December 2003 that are used as a workplace to maintain an asbestos register. The requirement to keep an asbestos...

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