Commercial & Residential Tenancies

Commercial & Residential Tenancies

Commercial Tenancies On 7 April 2020 the National Cabinet announced a new Code of Conduct (“Code”) to be legislated by the State and Territory governments in an effort to relieve pressure on retail, commercial and industrial tenants during the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”)...

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How to Avoid a Dispute About Your Dispute Resolution Clause

How to Avoid a Dispute About Your Dispute Resolution Clause

As counterintuitive as it seems, time and time again we see disputes before the courts concerning the very clauses that were supposed to assist the parties avoid being there in the first place – the dispute resolution clauses that are most often found at the back of...

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Alternative Tests For JobKeeper Subsidy

Alternative Tests For JobKeeper Subsidy

The nature in which the Coronavirus has impacted Australian business has made the JobKeeper payment, a key component of the Federal Government’s business support package, highly desirable to Australian business owners. The payment provides a $1,500.00 per fortnight,...

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