CK News: ClarkeKann’s Murray Procter named in 2019 Doyle’s Guide

14 February 2019

We are excited to announce that the efforts and achievements of our Employment, Industrial Relations and Safety Partner Murray Procter have been recognised in the 2019 Doyle’s Guide to Australia’s best legal firms and lawyers, in the following categories:

Recommended Leading Employment Lawyers (Employer Representation) – Queensland

Recommended Employment Law Firms (Employer Representation) – Queensland

Murray is no stranger to the Doyles Guide lists, having featured in their listings consistently over the years. We congratulate Murray on this achievement and for being recognised by Doyle’s Guide for his exceeding standard of service.


The most comprehensive guide to Australia’s best lawyers, law firms and barristers, Doyle’s Guide provides state by state listings across 16 practice areas.

The Guide is an annual independent listing of best firms and lawyers compiled on the back of initial online peer based surveys as well as extensive telephone and face to face interviews with clients, peers and relevant industry bodies.

This bulletin is produced as general information in summary for clients and subscribers and should not be relied upon as a substitute for detailed legal advice or as a basis for formulating business or other decisions. ClarkeKann asserts copyright over the contents of this document. This bulletin is produced by ClarkeKann. It is intended to provide general information in summary form on legal topics, current at the time of publication. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Formal legal advice should be sought in particular matters. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation. Privacy Policy


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